Events are special occasions which offer incentives in completing or simply participating in them.
Limited Time Events[]
There are limited one-time only events that occurr in the game. They usually last a minimum of a week to over a month.
International Events[]
Limited Time Events for the International version.
Japan Events[]
Limited Time Events for the Japan version.
Recurring Events[]
Lucky Time[]
During Lucky Time, specific Tsum Tsum will have an increased chance of being awarded from the Premium Boxes. Lucky Time usually lasts 48 or 96 hours.
Pick Up Capsules / Gacha[]
Pick Up Capsules, known as Pick Up Gacha in the Japanese version, show up as a third option to choose from in the Store. They appear 2-3 times a month and remain available for 2 to 5 days. There are usually 15 Tsums at a cost of 30,000 coins per Tsum, for a total of 450,000 coins. Each Pick Up Capsule includes specific Tsums you can obtain and often more than one of each Tsum. If you empty the capsule of all 15 Tsums, you may be rewarded with a Skill Ticket or a limited Tsum.
Select Box[]
Select Boxes appear as a third option in the store. There are usually 12 types of Tsum Tsum in the Select Box, at the usual cost of 30,000 coins each and you can continue buying boxes until you have maxed out their Skill Levels.
Daily Missions[]
Daily Missions are usually sets of three specific missions with their own requirements to fulfill with coin rewards. They reset at the end of each day. Check out the Daily Missions page for detailed information.
Bingo is an ongoing card event where you have to complete specific missions to fill out your Bingo card. Visit the Bingo page for more detailed information.
Coloring Missions[]
Coloring Missions is an ongoing event that is designed for beginning players to get used to Missions requiring certain criteria to complete. It is structured to resemble some Limited Time Events. It will also give you hints on to how to solve several missions.