The following pages are links to Tsum categories that filter all Tsum Tsums into groups. Most Events, including monthly events and Bingo cards have missions that require Tsums with specific attributes.
Tsums by Attribute[]
For some missions you will need Tsums with specific attributes like eyelashes, yellow hands, or a hat. See all of the attributes mentioned in missions.
Tsums by Skill[]
Your MyTsum Skill is the ability that is activated after you tap on a full skill meter. Each skill and the amount needed to fill the meter differs depending on your MyTsum.
Tsums by Series[]
Each Tsum belongs to a series, such as Piglet belongs to the Winnie the Pooh series and Woody belongs to the Toy Story series.
Tsums by Mission Color[]
Some Missions require a Tsum of a specific color. For example, earning 500 coins with a yellow Tsum. This category will help distinguish which Tsums qualify for each color.
Tsums by Initial[]
Tsum initials are often based on the Japanese name of a Tsum and may not be what you might think it should be. For example Cinderella counts as an Initial-S Tsum because her name is "Shinderera" in Japanese.